Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Seasons Round Swap

Our package for the Seasons Round Exchange, sent to the lovely Erin. we received a wonderful package in return--I am so excited to share it with you, if I can convince Isla to give up her favorite bits for photographing. Happy Michaelmas!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Four Weeks and 26 Years

Calum Four Weeks

Calum Four Weeks

Yesterday, Calum was four weeks old. 

Calum Four Weeks

Calum Four Weeks

Today, Ryan is 26 years old. I can't think of a better partner, a better father for my children, or a more amazing soul mate. 

Calum Four Weeks

I feel so blessed to have so much in my life. Happy birthday, Ryan! Thank you for everything. 

Friday, September 25, 2009


What does it mean for us? 


The last of our heirloom tomatoes. 

Fall Nature Table

Our fall nature table in full effect. 

Fall Nature Table

And a special little pumpkin enjoying as much outside time as possible while he still can! 


Sunday, September 20, 2009


I'm sorry for disappearing again. It seems like life with three is much more exhausting than I ever thought possible! I'm running behind on almost all of my deadlines (apologies!) but tomorrow IS the Equinox and I had to have something ready for my wee ones. Fall! My favorite season. The apples, the pumpkins, the chill in air! Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, Thanksgiving...all my favorites.


Of course we are still adjusting to a little person's presence, so things will naturally be slower and more easygoing than they have been in the past. Luckily, everyone in the family seems to be okay with that!



Sunday, September 13, 2009

Park Day

Park Day

I feel like we are finally able to venture back out into the world! Getting to know our newest addition has been fun and I am glad that life is starting to resemble what I used to know--albeit quite different in many, many ways.

Park Day

It's been quite the experiment, trying to figure out my limitations, worrying about how to best be present and parent three little ones. And I can't say that it has been easy at all but it definitely has been interesting.

Park Day

Friday, September 4, 2009

Calum Goodness: Gratitude Friday

Calum Four Days

Calum Four Days

Calum Four Days

I am grateful that our baby is here and that he is healthy and adored by everyone. Especially his big brother.

Calum Four Days

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Summer is almost complete! Amazing. Truly, truly amazing. I have no idea where it went (although I suspect waiting on a certain little one occupied the latter half of the season...) 

Little Red Caboose

Isla is getting so big! She's doing her best to be a Big Kid, even if I'm not really ready for that yet. 

Nanny and Papaw Visit

Liam is such a pleasure to be around. He's sweet and caring and considerate. My grandparents' are particular favorites of his. 

Liam and Calum

Calum is still so new but I can say that he looks just like his brother (and father!) and is so easygoing--the perfect third baby. 

Our life feels very full right now.